Journey to Pleasure Webinar
I created a new program because I care about restoring health to the planet. It’s called The Journey to Pleasure.
I hosted a webinar about it two days ago which you can catch the replay to here:
We talked about…
1) What neuroception is and why it starts to be "off" when you have had developmental trauma. I talked about how when our neuroception is off, we can either be numb to red flags and not sense danger or we can take safe cues as dangerous ones.
2) We talked about how it's possible to access pleasure on a physiological level. (Ventral vagal waves, baby!)
3) We talked about when your child safe didn't integrate or when your adolescent self didn't integrate, you can end up feeling like you're not safe, you don't belong and you question who you are and what you like as an adult.
4) We talked about the journey to pleasure. First resourcing safety. Then accessing curiosity again... and then beautiful pleasure. <3
5) We talked about when we have had developmental trauma, we most likely have been gaslit and when we've been victims of gaslighting, our experience of the world is so invalidated which means we disconnect with our biological authenticity.
What moved me the most from yesterday's webinar was that when I asked "who here feels like something bad is going to happen if they experience pleasure/ joy/ peace/ etc?" EVERYONE SAID ME or YES!
And this is exactly why I am hosting this course for the next 6 weeks. These imprints of emergency energy can be resolved if we work with our physiology. We can create new coupling with pleasure. We can give ourselves permission to claim what we actually think is hot and let go of what we don't.
I feel like being a little wild and playing a lot this year, will you join me?
Should we be the bravest ever and actually take back our blueprint of health? And yeah maybe it threatens so many people and systems but let's do it anyway because it's the right thing to be well….
You can sign up HERE.