What you are getting yourself into:

The Neurodivergent Club is a group space that meets LIVE every Monday at 2:30 pm eastern time/ 11:30 am pacific time virtually (so you can join from anywhere) to practice nervous system health tools tailored for the highly sensitive and neurodivergents of the world.

We spend one hour a week together attuning to the week ahead and cultivating resilience for our nervous systems. All sessions will be recorded so if you can’t or don’t want to make it live, you’ll still get the benefits. Or if you prefer to take things at your own pace (pausing and stopping a class), this works out well too.

Currently there is no LIVE cohort of the neurodivergent club. Please sign up for my business newsletter that will alert you the next time I am running this club.


The membership for the month is 140.00 USD a month. This equals out to 35$ per class/ session.

You deserve to have personal development tools that work for your neurotype. The Neurodivergent Club offers you that.

Inside the club:

  • I’ll offer some education on various personal development topics tailored to neurodivergents (HSP, autistics, SPD peeps, ADHDers). This way you’ll be able to understand yourself and know exactly how to care for your sensitive brain and nervous system. You’ll know what you need and how to ask for, and feel comfortable, asking for accommodations.

  • We’ll have a weekly weather forecast that will contain the pertinent astro forecast // an oracle reading of the week. The intersection of witchcraft and autism is alive and well here.

  • We’ll do weekly writing prompts that act as both a resource and a discharging tool for the nervous system (it resources the need for being need and heard and let’s us release tension through the action of writing).

  • We’ll do a NS health somatic practice together every week to build capacity and reduce stress - stuff like dancing and breathing if it feels good for your body.

  • In our sessions on zoom, we have a typed group chat to share if you would rather not speak out loud. I’ll also make a google doc where we can share resources (interesting lectures, shows, music, etc) between sessions. (This will resource the need for belonging in our nervous system.)

My philosophy:: neurodiversity is extremely beautiful and extremely needed.

Many inventors, social change activists, and entertainers/ artists who evolve and move our earth forward are neurodivergent. Without neurodivergent folks, I truly believe we can’t get original solutions to our complex problems here on earth. Thus, I deeply believe you are precious and needed here.

And because the world wasn’t made for you in mind, you may have struggled. I totally get this as a neurodivergent person too. It is my belief that when nervous system health is introduced to neurodivergent folks, it makes a profound positive difference in our lives.

I approach neurodivergence as a gift, an asset, something really cool about you, while I also acknowledge that our disability comes from the mismatched society we find ourselves in. To be neurodivergent in a neurotypical world is really hard and if we have neurotypical expectations of ourselves, we will most likely always be feeling like we are failing. In short, I subscribe to the social model of disability and not the medical model of disability. Here is a great video to explain the difference if you are unfamiliar.

This is the club for you if…

  • You are are a highly sensitive person - someone who has more mirror neurons in their brain than the average folk. This might mean you experience mirror touch synesthesia or mirror emotion synesthesia which is basically the scientific terms for being an EMPATH! You feel other people’s emotions, or their actions as your own when you look at them. It’s a form of neurodivergence. It makes you super empathetic, AND it can also be overwhelming. You might have said about your sensitivity before, “it’s a gift and a curse.”

  • You are a 2e adult. 2e means twice exceptional and means you are neurodivergent in some way PLUS you are a gifted.

  • You experience a sensory processing disorder as part of your life - meaning you take in stimulus differently than a neurotypical. Sounds may be louder for you, colors might be brighter, smells might be more pronounced. In some sensory cases, you might be hyper sensitive and in other cases, you may experience hypo sensitivity. Usually, when SPD is present, the brain area between your thalamus and insular has more connectivity.

  • You’re an ADHDer. You’re incredibly attuned to the world around you whether that be people, pets, nature; you’re super brilliant and innovative, and truly non judgemental. You might search for dopamine in your life in ways that feel excessive or out of your control, you hyper fixate on your passion projects and lose track of time and forget to eat, and you may feel emotions very intensely, as though they are tsunamis coming for you. Potentially, you are bursting with ideas and sometimes catching up to them and having a solid plan to execute them in order and in ways that work feels impossible and that feels mega frustrating.

  • You are autistic. You excel at systemizing, lateral thinking, creative solutions, memory, pattern recognition, and work ethic in your special interests. AND you also struggle with immense sensory differences compared to other people (much like your friends with SPD), executive functioning, always ran a a tad more anxious than the rest of your classmates, perhaps even being nicknamed scaredy cat or a bit neurotic. You’ve potentially felt like an outsider because you didn’t fit in with your age group or peers or didn’t know how to read people’s intentions, you might be prone to melt down or shut downs if you don’t know how to track your sensory load & it can even be likely that you turned to addiction to manage your sensitivity and try to survive in this world.

  • You resonate with several neurodivergent identities. If so, this is your home turf!

  • You are professionally diagnosed or self-diagnosed. I think labels and official diagnosis are important to define and categorize our needs and our identity. My own official medical autism diagnosis in winter 2021 improved my life in immense ways. However, I also believe in self-diagnosis. Diagnosis, as women or non-binary people especially (even more so for BIPOC folk), is hard to access financially, physically and emotionally. So, self-diagnosed people are very welcome here too.

This is not the club for you if …

  • You have any personal or religious beliefs that align with discrimination of LGBTQ+ folks. I welcome many gay, lesbians, non binary and trans folks in my spaces.

  • You are racist or classist.

  • You prefer the medical model of disability (something is wrong with the disabled individual) rather than the social model of disability (our society is only made for a specific kind of neurotype and it disables the rest of us).

  • You need a therapeutic space. I am not a therapist. This is not a therapeutic space. It is group coaching where we encourage each other to reach our goals and express to each other our inner worlds in order to feel more connected.

  • You don’t enjoy your coach/ teacher being a human alongside you. I share my inner landscape in a very neurodivergent way - my stories are offered in my writing as a way for you to say, “me too”.


I have been doing anti-ableism work since I was 18 years old professionally. Self-acceptance is the greatest theme of my work and has always been.

I was professionally diagnosed with SPD in 2017, and I was finally diagnosed medically as autistic throughout the fall and winter 2020 and it was official in early 2021. I also have always identified as a highly sensitive person (HSP) and an empath. I am a 2e adult. Previously, I understood myself through the lens of 6 anxiety disorder diagnosis, attachment disorder, change adjustment disorder and clinical depression. I have since learnt that like many neurodivergent females assigned at birth (AFAB), the anxiety and depression I was experiencing in my life was due to over functioning as a neurotypical when I am not one. I got missed as an autistic because I was quite good at masking, assimilating and compensating, but also, we’ve got to admit, how funny that I was diagnosed with something called “change adjustment disorder” and no one thought hmmm, AUTISM!

This will be my first group coaching space specifically for highly sensitive neurodivergent people. I am excited! My intention with this club is that it serve as a way to feel less alone. It is not a place to fix ourselves, or even heal anything in particular. It’s a place to share our life experiences that are similar to one another’s, exchange ideas, talk about our special interests, learn from each other, and hang out together. It matters to me because I too crave this sort of space as an autistic person who does not fit in with mainstream society.


Neurodivergent Club (MONTHLY)
$140.00 every month for 4 months
Neurodivergent club (WEEKLY)
$35.00 every week for 16 weeks