Sharing online
I have a simple guideline that I follow and that I recommend to my clients when it comes to storytelling on social media.
In my signature program Write to Heal, I teach people how to write to their ideal client in a way that will ensure connection between reader and writer, which enables a greater level of conversion as soon as an offering is on the table.
To connect with someone else, we usually have to have some level of vulnerability. Now, when we are talking about doing this publicly, it can get a little overwhelming.
How do you know what to share and what to keep to yourself?
Here is my guideline:
Of course, you want to go THERE so people can connect with you, but you also don't want to share anything that you haven't processed yourself. Because, as you already know, sharing on the Internet means anybody can see it, which means anybody can say anything about it.
When you share something on social media, you're opening yourself up to feedback. My guideline puts emphasis on knowing when you feel capable and resilient enough to receive ANY kind of feedback without being triggered into a stress response that would get you to freeze or flight around the issue you're sharing again.
You can know when you've processed something by noticing if feedback (whether positive or negative) activates you in your body in a way that feels manageable or in a way that feels unmanageable.
If the activation feels unmanageable, it's not time to share publicly. Instead, spend more time with your coach and or therapist talking about the story to process stress responses that you hold in own body and psyche around the events you want to connect with people on. Once that has been completed, it's much easier to hold other people's feedback on your personal experience without getting triggered back into those original stress responses.
I hope this truly helps know what to share and what to keep to yourself online.