Discharging holiday stress webinar
Hi! It was so fun to teach you some stuff that will hopefully make your holiday season easier this year via nervous system health and science yesterday.
Here’s where you can view and listen to the free webinar:
If you liked the webinar, you’ll love the program.
If you want to go deeper, and resolve the core of your developmental trauma so you can feel better and live the life you actually crave - I’m your woman.
Join me this winter for Nervous System Mastery. We start the week of January 6th.
There will be nothing greater than starting out this new decade with the tools that will make the rest of it healthy.
On the webinar yesterday, we discussed things like…
1) What the autonomic nervous system actually is.
2) What dysregulation and regulation is - and how it happens. This is crucial to know as these words are being thrown around a lot.
3) The difference between triggers, stressors and stress responses, and what each actually are.
4) The 3 - and technically 4- stress responses we can have when faced with a trigger or stressor.
5) How to start discharging our stress so it doesn’t stay in our bodies. (‘Cause how exhausting is it to be carrying the past in our precious bodies all the time?)
6) How it’s possible to get back into regulation (discharging + resourcing).
7) What the 10 greatest needs in development are and checking in with where you might be super under resourced and in stress responses because of it.
The Nervous System Mastery program will…
1) Educate you on the ins and outs of your own autonomic nervous system, instead of just the general concepts of it (think the webinar, it’s going to be like that, but 10 times better and more in depth.) We’ll get clear on your unique stress responses and history, and we’ll discharge your stressors and triggers from the past so you can make some room in your body. This will free you up of symptoms.
2) Give you the absolute life-changing foundational nervous system health education you need - we’ll cover movement, food, cbd, environment to name a few.
3) Cover an in depth look at your greatest needs in development, where you’ve been unmet, and how this shows up in your life in hyper or hypo responses, so that you can learn how to resource internally and externally sustainably and come out of stress responses and back into regulation. Remember not having your needs met is a stressor and a trigger to the system. Resolving this is resolving your developmental trauma.
4) Teach you and help you master attachment science + attraction science as well as co-regulation, boundary and communication work. You’ll leave the course feeling more secure, able to state your needs and you’ll wave goodbye to protest behavior.
You can read more about the program and sign up here: emilybeatrix.com/groupcoaching