Writer's workshop: Trauma aware storytelling
Writer's workshop: Trauma aware storytelling
A 2-3 hour workshop on Friday September 24th 2021 at 11 am eastern.
We will cover topics such as:
- The somatic experience of writing (how it unfreezes and discharges stored up stress responses and how to do this safely).
- How many of us carry imprints of self-expression and how these manifest practically (in our actions or lack of actions) or (secrecy, shame, guilt, punishment)
- Creating your life’s timeline (identifying significant events) (this will also help you create an outline for your piece).
- Getting clear on themes of your story (the things you want to start discussions around through your writing).
- Protecting your creative practice and keeping it alive
- God and spiritual practice
- Navigating non-fiction writing; writing to ensure your safety and the privacy of others, facilitating non-violent communication with loved ones, or past loved ones, about writing your story if they are involved.
- Steps in book writing (or essay writing) i.e; first draft, developmental edits, line edits.
- Deciding with your body’sconsent what to write and what to not write (or edit out or in).
- How to get an agent for a book representation if that is the route you’d like to take (agents will sell your book to publishers).
- How to go about the self-publishing process if that’s the route you’d like to take.