On new taylor, eclipse season, samhain and the dark before the light comes back
A special interest email :: ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED OCTOBER 21st 2022
I am writing to you from the perfect Fall day - it is sunny and it is about 15 degrees celsius. The world is dim and golden and fading. Leaves take up residence on the ground and make a dance floor to stomp and twirl on. I have a lemon balm tea with amber autumn local honey sitting to my left as I sit at my desk and breathe in the natural fireplace’s scents swirling in the oxygen I inhale. There is a new Taylor Swift album and as a swiftie since October 2006, I am celebrating a special interest of 16 years now by listening to would’ve could’ve should’ve and snow on the beach 39 times respectively. Kind of digging Maroon now a few hours in too. And I think Glitch is hot.
Me & Natalie. 2009 - ish. The glitter on those signs followed me from home to home for about a decade - I can confirm. Look at our arms filled with sharpie lyrics and the t-shirts we made.
This week, we brought in all the patio and summer furniture. I said farewell to my hammocks for now. Tomorrow is the last market of the season. It’s only 6 months, I said, earlier.
I am not sure if you have heard, but we will be going into eclipse season next week until mid-November.
The new moon eclipse in scorpio on the 25th will be at 2 degrees scorpio. And the full moon eclipse will be at 16 degrees taurus on November 8th.
This is how you check for what it means to you and your individual chart:
Anywhere that is 2 degrees scorpio - minus 6 degrees or plus 6 degrees - so anything up to 8 degrees scorpio or 26 degrees libra in your chart will be affected. When I say affected, I mean, the archetype and theme of that planet will be up for you.
So…Let’s say you have venus scorpio at 8 degrees, then yes, the eclipse is conjunct your venus directly. Which means the eclipse will be surrounding themes of love, relationships, beauty and money for you. Usually eclipses come to shine a light on anything that is not in integrity or in your highest alignment. That’s why people refer to eclipses as brutal - they are a portal to the truth we can usually avoid or dance around.
And the same is true for the eclipse in taurus. Anything from 10 degrees taurus to 22 degrees taurus in your chart is directly conjunct the eclipse in November. If you have a moon at 20 degrees taurus in this case, astro people would say, “the eclipse is on your moon,” which means there will be pressure on the themes your moon holds this eclipse (deepest emotional needs, desires, vulnerability, true self, the mother - feminine side, etc).
I personally have an Ascendent and Descendant in Scorpio and Taurus. At 24 degrees though, so this set of eclipse is just missing the direct hit on my chart in regards to that. If you have no planets directly at those degrees, you can check for the house the eclipses are happening in and the themes of these houses will be the themes of the eclipse for you. For me, that degree of scorpio is actually still in my 11th house (house of community - belonging to aquarius), and the taurus one will still be in my 6th house (house of health - belonging to virgo) before it crosses over my descendent at 24 degrees taurus and into my 7th house.
If you check your chart, send me a reply! I love to know people’s chart. I am actually printing the charts of my neurodivergent club members and putting it on a wall in my office as we speak this afternoon. And if you want me to help you understand what these eclipses mean for you and what they’re asking from you in a personal context way, just shoot me a reply and you can book a spiritual session where we do chart readings/ tarot/ oracle/ akashic record stuff.
Now, Samhain is happening directly in the middle of this eclipse season. You’re not supposed to be manifesting anything during eclipse season, only purging and paying attention to what wants to be purged because the energy is on an OUTPUT frequency.
I am being called to not treat Samhain as the new year this year. It feels better to actually use the change of the calendar for the new cycle. This year I am changing so many things I’ve been doing forever, so it makes sense that this is no different. Right around the winter solstice (when the light starts to come back), we have a new moon in Capricorn and that feels like the right time to manifest since it’s probably not a good idea to do it with the energetics of Samhain this year. Also our new moon in Capricorn is all about that vision and implementation. I know simply due to the fact I have a natal one.
Samhain this year, at least, feels more potent for identifying what to purge and release as we go through the last weeks of this calendar year.
We will be identifying everything that did not work this year, all that did work, but we will be using the time between Samhain and the winter solstice to integrate what we are letting go of and preparing to be available for what we want.
Then, we will meet again for THE LIGHT IS COMING BACK EVENT on December 28th 2022.
This is where we will do our ritual for manifestation and intention settings instead of doing it on Samhain proper.
You can join both events here in a combo price. (save $10)
****If you are already signed up for Samhain, you will automatically be added to the Light Is Coming Back event, as a special gift from me.
If you still have to sign up, you can sign up for Samhain only here, The Light Is Coming Back here, or both HERE.
May you have a beautiful weekend and may you feel supported as we go through a massive release personally and collectively in the upcoming weeks in the darkest weeks of the year as we wait for the light to come back.