On what to do when it's raining and pouring

Meeting our needs when things are hard:: ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED JUNe 20th 2022

What I do know is this:

When hard things are happening, it matters how we treat ourselves.

It matters if we criticize and belittle and tell ourselves we are idiots. It makes the storm much much worse.

What if you didn’t have to be well in order to treat yourself right?

What if you deserved care when it’s raining and pouring?


You show up to yourself with kindness and you hear and you see yourself. You treat yourself like you are important.

You tell yourself that you belong with you and with a few key other people and that there is room for you on the planet and you deserve to be happy and that your art is special.

You value yourself.

You accept yourself.

You make sure you get yourself to safety.

You guide yourself to what you need with patience.

You protect yourself.

You choose yourself.

You connect with yourself. You don’t let yourself starve of connection and ignore you.

That’s on what to do when it’s raining and pouring.

Emily Aube